Alignment Modality
Alignment Modality©
Module One

What's Included In Module One
This modality of consciousness can stand on its own or be added to any existing practice, mainstream, or alternative. You are not only healing yourself; you will also have the opportunity to become a practitioner.
A Modality of Self Discovery and Fundamental Transformation.
There are 4 modules, plus the practitioner level.
Opening up the mind complex
Element vibrational medicine posted to you
Astrology - Bespoke to each student - acknowledgement of the subconscious programming; healing tool
Activations - 9 Realms - opening up to your true sense of empowerment, Interdimensional access
Transforming Fear & Inadequacy
Psychic Influencing
Connecting to the soul - grounding consciousness
Imagination as a Science
Meridians - Taught
Deep soul healing; all timelines
Lower four Chakra Clearing - healing the masculine Group & Individual
Tools Tips & more...
So why choose the Alignment Modality?
Simple really!
Ancient information coming back to you uncorrupted from the unseen world.
Opening up to a realm of consciousness that already exists around us - moving into 4D safely
Realignment with the soul body
Having spiritual realisation whilst in a physical body
A deeper understanding of our true potential, opening up psychic gifts.
Mastering emotions, letting go of fear. Fear being an illusion.
Before you sign up, feel if this is the right time for you. If you are ready it won't be a thought it will be felt. Trust if you are on this page your soul is more than likely asking you to let go - take the time to feel it. This work will open a portal within you that has been closed for thousands of years

Your investment is only £490 Module One
Only 12 spaces available in each workshop